Yanbu Airport: Departures & arrivals flight schedules

All information on the departure and arrival of a flight at Yanbu Airport is mentioned on this table which also indicates whether the flight followed is on time, late or if it is canceled, if it has taken off. or landed, ...
Changes can happen at the last minute, forcing airlines to change the departure time of a scheduled flight from the airport in the Saudi city, or cancel it.

If the airline has ever changed a departure time for your flight or for someone you wish to meet or pick up from Saudi Arabia's airport, you will not be contacted by their agents. The only solution to be informed of this change is to use this tool which not only gathers data on the evolution and status of each flight serving Yanbu, but also updates them to inform you each time a change occurs causing a delay, or causing the operating company to cancel the flight.

Offered free of charge to Internet users, this tool allows you to find out about the status of any flight: your flight or a plane carrying a person you were expecting at the airport, ... you can thus know and follow its condition, its evolution and his status, and know the exact time of his arrival, regardless of the situation.

Airport type: Civil – International
Province: Al Madinah

Yanbu can accommodate both domestic and international flights. The smiling staff are always ready to help passengers go through customs and passport control, check in baggage in the hold and cabin. The waiting rooms with comfortable seats, bars, restaurants, duty-free shops, free Wi-Fi will not let you get bored while waiting for your flight.

Most major airports have business lounges where you can use the phone, fax, or have a business meeting. If you are traveling with children - the children's areas are at your service. Taxi is probably the most comfortable way to get to / from Yanbu Airport, Saudi Arabia, but you can also take the bus or express train.