Dammam King Fahd Airport: Departures & arrivals flight schedules

In order to find out about the traffic forecast at Dammam King Fahd Airport you can use the data in the table below. It is possible to know in real time whether a plane is going to take off or not, whether it is late or has arrived on time, ...

The updated flight times can still be viewed on a mobile phone. All you have to do is point the cursor on the departure airport and the destination airport to find out about the status of the flight concerned, and to know and follow its development from take-off and until it lands.

Passengers can check the status of their flight online. Flight information can be accessed directly from Saudi Arabia Airport. All the statuses of flights served from this airport can be viewed with just one click. All information about flights including delays, cancellations, etc. is accessible to all Internet users using smartphones, tablets and PCs connected to the Internet.

Find out about every scheduled flight from the airport to the capital of Saudi Arabia's eastern Ach-Sharqiya province, no matter where it is from. Find out and track the status of every route served by any airline worldwide, departing from Dammam. Get detailed information that is updated every ten minutes.

Address: King Fahd Rd ، King Fahd International Airport, Dammam Saudi Arabia
IATA code: DMM
Area: 776 km²
Airport type: International
Province: Eastern

King Fadh International Airport has 2 terminals (one terminal for individuals and another terminal for major political figures).

Taxis are available at the airport exit. They use lanes parallel to the pedestrian paths.
A bus system is available from the airport. The ticket price is 15 SAR (2.79 euros) one way. The airport car park has 4,930 spaces.

On the Arrivals level (3rd floor), there are banks and exchange offices for travelers.
The Saudi Arabian Airport has its own 215.579 m2 green space to entertain children. Within the airport, you can find a few Duty Free shops.

The hotels located near the airport are: Golden Tulip Al Hamra and Tulip Inn Dammam.