Medina Airport: Departures & arrivals flight schedules

Below is the status of departing and arriving flights at Medina-Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz Airport.
Planned flights, actual arrival and departure times, flights delayed or canceled or which are en route, ...

The tool on this site can be handy for you by helping you to be informed of the status of your flight in real time, from the moment it takes off until it lands at the airport of your destination or that of. your friend, relative, ...

Consult and find out if a flight has already landed, or if it is on its way, or it arrives late, ... all this information is grouped in a single table.

Looking for information (departure time of arrival of any flight) served from Saudi Arabia airport? Use the table below to get more information about your flight served to or from El Medina Airport.

Each Internet user can access real-time information on their flight according to destination or origin, check the time of arrival or departure, search for a flight according to the airlines serving Saudi Arabia airport, and follow its flight, as it evolves, discover its status and be informed each time a flight schedule is changed, or if the flight does not start on its agreed time (delayed), or never takes off (canceled).

IATA code: MED
Airport type: Civil- international
Manager: General Authority of Civil Aviation
Province: Al Madinah

The airport has a terminal for passengers.
The airport mainly handles regional flights, but it has limited international flights to Cairo, Damascus and Istanbul in particular. During the Hajj period, the airport receives international charter flights.

At the exit of the terminal you will find taxis that can drop you off in the city. For a run to Al Haram, count around 30-35 SAR.

Parking is available in front of the terminal with limited spaces.

An ATM is available 24 hours a day in the terminal building. Travelers will be able to withdraw money there for their stay in Saudi Arabia.

The airport toilets have changing tables to facilitate safe changing of infants and children.

In the departures area, passengers can have a meal in one of the catering points available to them.

If you want to rest without leaving the airport, you can go to one of the following hotels:
Madinah Mövenpick Hotel, Dar Al Hijra Inter-Continental Madinah, the Madina Oberoi.